Teaching and Learning at St Leonard's
At St Leonard's, we aim to provide a rich and varied curriculum to give all our children a stimulating and challenging learning environment.
This was recognised in our most recent Ofsted inspection report, from 2017, which commented:
Teachers have high expectations of what pupils can do, and pupils live up to these. Consequently, pupils achieve high standards.
Teachers target their questioning carefully for individual pupils, making sure that pupils have to think hard about their answers. Pupils explain their thinking with clarity.
Teachers provide work that challenges pupils of differing abilities. Pupils recognise that they can learn from their mistakes. One told an inspector that ‘Sometimes, learning is quite hard – it is a good thing because the things you get wrong can help you next time.’
Click through the different subjects to see what we do in those specific areas. Each subject includes a 'Learning Zone' with useful links which you can use at home to consolidate or further learning!