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Early Years Foundation Stage

At St. Leonard’s, we recognise the importance of the Early Years as the foundation of a child’s future learning and development. For many children, this will be their first experience of life in school and we aim to ensure that in these first years, all children and their families are given a positive start to school life in which each child can thrive.

Our Early Years Team understand that children learn best when they are engaged and active. Our practitioners value individual interests and plan inspiring activities and creative experiences to help children learn new things, practise new skills and develop as learners.

What will my child learn?

The Early Years Curriculum consists of seven areas of learning and development. The first three are prime areas and these underpin further learning in four specific areas. Children in Nursery and Reception are provided with opportunities to develop skills in all seven areas of learning at a level which is right for them.

Prime areas of learning and development: Communication and Language, Personal Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development.

Specific areas of learning and development: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design.  

How will my child learn?

Learning through play is extremely important in the Early Years and activities and experiences are carefully planned so that children are able to develop how they learn in addition to what they learn.

Children will also participate in short whole class teaching sessions and adult-led group sessions.

 Parent Partnership

Learning and development in the Early Years takes place at home as well as in school and we value positive partnerships with parents. Parents are given access to their child’s online journal where they are able to view observations completed by staff in addition to photographs and videos of their child’s learning. Parents are encouraged to upload observations from home which support staff in planning next steps.

We operate an open door policy with staff making themselves available at the end of the day for quick chats or to make appointments for further discussion if required.

More about Early Years at St Leonard's.

Our Early Years is made up of a part-time Nursery class, two full-time Reception classes and an amazing team of creative, nurturing adults. In addition to learning rich, well-resourced classrooms and outdoor areas, our Early Years children also benefit from whole-school resources including an environment garden, school library and sensory room.

 Reception Newsletters

Reception Autumn Newsletter

Nursery Newsletters

 Nursery Autumn Newsletter