Two hundred years of history
Since it first opened in May 1813, St Leonard's has been responsible for the education of many thousands of children in the Streatham area. Much has changed in Streatham over the past 200 years, but the aim of the school remains - to cater for the needs of the community.
Whilst our foundations and teachings remain predominantly Christian, the curriculum has widened to reflect a community now rich in the tradition of many faiths.
This is from the introduction to St Leonard's Church of England Primary School 1813-2013, by Tony PIzzoferro and John W. Brown, which is available from the school office - priced £5
This is the oldest known photograph of the school, taken on 6th July 1868, when it was still a boys' school.
The headteacher, Mr Richard Corke, (standing on the right) recorded in the log book: "All the boys were grouped for a picture by a photographer.
By 1868, the number of children attending the school had greatly increased, which led to severe overcrowding; the school room had been designed for 60 and by then there were more than 100 boys on the school register.