Physical education (PE) is an enjoyable and appreciated subject here at St. Leonards. The children here are exposed and given access to learn a range of skills across a number of sports. Each class has two PE lessons per a week. One session being led by a team of highly trained professional sports coaches from Premier sports. Our sports coaches teach a range of sports such as football and gymnastics which is taught through a range of progressive skill based lessons. Additionally, years 4 and 5 have weekly swimming lessons throughout the year and Years 6 have their swimming lessons during the summer term in the school calendar.
Physical education is a subject that all children often class as fun and truly enjoy during their free time. The school’s playground is equipped with a basketball, netball and squash court. A trim trail, apparatus and tons of sports equipment such as skipping ropes and balls that children often use during their break and lunch times.
The School's PE Kit
Shorts – Plain Navy or black (not cycling or Bermuda shorts)
Tops – House Colour T-Shirt – Available Online – You will be advised of which house your child is in at the end of the first half term if your child joins the school in Reception or in the first few weeks after your child joins the school during other year groups
Footwear - Black plimsols or white for larger sizes. Trainers may be worn for outdoor games ONLY
PE Bags – Available Online
Premier Education
Premier education has been established since 1999 and well known for providing physical education sessions designed for children of all ages and abilities. Trained in over 30 sports activities the role of premier education is to provide PE sessions that are broad and rich.
The premier website linked below provides a range of physical activities that you and your child can use at home to keep active.
PE Events
Sports day - Each year our annual sports day is hosted at the local Tooting Athletics track. The Children have access to all of the sports equipment at the track and are truly in awe during such a delightful and memorable day.