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Southwark Diocesan Board of EducationWe are proud to support 106 schools and academies, colleges and universities across our diverse and vibrant Diocese.

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RE Curriculum Map


At St Leonard’s, the SDBE syllabus follows statutory guidance of teaching two thirds of the curriculum time on the Christian faith and one third on other world faiths. These include monotheistic and polytheistic faiths, which, we believe offers opportunities for children and adults to develop positive attitudes and respect for faith across the world.

We have carefully planned our curriculum map to ensure progression of knowledge and understanding across the year groups in each religion studied. We also follow the Anglican liturgical year, where possible, in order for the pupils to make meaningful links between their learning and celebrations across the year. The same applies to, where possible, other faiths.

Our curriculum map suggests cross- curricular links to bring cohesion to the children’s learning experiences, where appropriate. The golden thread is followed, as per all other subjects.