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Southwark Diocesan Board of EducationWe are proud to support 106 schools and academies, colleges and universities across our diverse and vibrant Diocese.

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Religious Education (RE) is a core subject and, as such, has a high profile within the learning at our school. Through RE, we live out our Christian vision and encourage children to explore their own faith and the faiths of others.

We follow the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education's (SDBE) RE syllabus, which explores Christianity and other world religions.

The programmes of study have two Attainment Targets (ATs). AT1 teaches the children about religious stories, customs, festivals, and events. AT2 teaches the children how RE affects their lives personally, encouraging them to think reflectively.
Children are invited to reflect on their learning and the impact that it has on their spirituality. In each class, the large RE book contains the children's interpretations and personal responses.

RE Learning Zone


RE learning Zone

BBC Bitesize world religions- Buddhism 


BBC Bitesize world religions- Judaism


BBC Bitesize world religions- Hinduism


BBC Bitesize world religions-Islam 


RE Quest- overview of the Bible, Year 3 link


RE Quest- Life of a Monk Year 5 link


General resources
